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Educational Programs
Graduate School of Engineering has been operating two educational programs since the 2007 academic year (Fig.1). The first of these is the TED (TED: T-Type Engineering Degree) Program, which is an extremely specialized educational program covering a wider viewpoint than the I-type Engineering Degree. Adopting educational reforms that solve the problem of specialist education having the tendency to cover only narrow areas, this educational program is a revamp of high-level specialist educational program that have already been in effect to which studies covering wider viewpoints involving interdisciplinary science and technology have been added. As the vertical column in the letter “T” represents, the TED Program requires students to seek out in-depth studies in specialist fields specified in accordance with the research laboratories to which they are assigned, and then write degree dissertations (master’s dissertations, doctoral dissertation) on that chosen field. It is a program designed to nurture high-level expert engineers as well as researchers.
The second program is the PED (Pi-Type Engineering Degree) Program, which involves a new teaching method adopted for the first time in Japan. This program aims at nurturing business- oriented engineers and researchers capable of connecting advances in science and technology to high-level manufacturing through the concept of innovation (Fig.1).
As represented by the term “Pi (Π),” the PED Program nurtures business-oriented engineers and researchers capable of dealing with the modern problems that face diversified and high-level industrial companies by providing the Yokohama style of graduate school education involving the study of multiple specialist modules (represented by the two vertical columns of Π) connected to a basic knowledge of engineering (represented by the horizontal column of Π). Owing to this, students in master’s programs are not assigned to specific research laboratories, but carry out course work involving practical studies, exercises and training (including long-term internships) instead of completing a master’s dissertation. Students who complete this program are awarded master’s degrees (in engineering). On the other hand, students in doctoral programs are required for write a doctoral dissertation as usual, and this is reviewed based on the viewpoint of them being business- oriented researchers aiming at high-level manufacturing. Students who complete this program are awarded doctoral degrees (in engineering).
PED Program Brochure